What is hidden in your heart?

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It is written, thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Deuteronmomy 6: 5-6.

David said, Your word I have hidden in mine heart that I may not sin against You. Psalm 119:11

Why is it we can remember lyrics to a song written 30 years ago, but have a problem remembering God instructions from either a sermon or His Word a few days ago?

I pondered this lapse of memory within the children of Israel. Why could they not remember the mighty acts God did for them when they thirsted for water a month later?

Let’s bring this closer to home. I heard a sermon about having an Attitude of Gratitude in 2004.   In 2010 I was given a stern reminder to apply what I had heard.

Now, I could remember lyrics to a secular song by the Isley Brothers, entitled Living for the Love of You. “Drifting on a memory ain`t no place I`d rather be than with you..

But what good has the Isley Brothers done for me?  Nothing.  They certainly were not talking about living for the love of God.

So, why then were their words occupying valuable space in God’s vessel; my heart.

Words written in your heart comprise your thoughts.  Thoughts arise in our hearts. Luke 24:38

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10.  Because of this very fact, it is written be renewed in the spirit of your mind;. Ephesians 4:23.  So our mind and heart can be on one accord; thinking on things that are pure, honest, and of good report; Not drifting down a memory.

Let a man examine himself.

What is in your heart that is not of God?