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The Lord says, “My people have misunderstood who I AM.”

I AM God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Exo 3:6
I AM that I AM. Exo 3:14
I AM the Lord, Jehovah Exo 6:2-3
I AM the Lord that healeth thee. Exo 15:26
I AM a jealous God. Exo 20:5
I AM Holy. Lev 19:2
I Am the bread of life. John 6:48
I AM not of this world. John 8:23
I AM the good shepherd. John 10:11
I AM the door. John 10:9
I AM the Way, the truth and the life, John 14:6
I AM the true vine. John 15:1-5
I AM peace. John 14:27
I AM the well of water. John 4:14
I AM in the Father. John 14:11

I AM the beginning and the end. Rev 1:8

You, my children are to:
Fear me. Gen 22:1-12, Matt 10:28
Love me. Deu 6:5, John 14:23
Honor me. Lev 27:30, Prov 3:9
Ask me. Matt 7:7-11, Jam 1:5-8
Get wisdom & understanding. Do not rely upon your own understanding. Prov 4:5, Jam 3:17
Seek me. Jer 29:13, Matt 6:33
Have faith in me. Mark 11:22, Heb 11:6
Believe in me. John 14:1
Believe on me. Acts16:31, 1 John 3:23
Trust me. Prov 3:5, Psa 37:3
Delight in me. Prov 37:4
Forgive. Matt 6:14
Keep my commandments:

Exo 20:3-17, 23, Exo 23:1-13,

Lev 19:28-35,9-18, Leb 18:5-23,

Matt 22:37-39, John 15:12

Children of disobedience are not mine.

Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your heart. Obey His voice, receive the spirit
of adoption and gain your inheritance as heir of the great I AM.