Learn to be Transformed

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Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I AM meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:28-30.

Be ye not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2.

In order to be transformed, one must learn what it is they are taking upon themselves. Jesus commands Take His Yoke. The definition of yoke according to Strong’s Concordance is a frame uniting animals for work. Most notably referenced as a “yoke of oxen;” two animals joined together to plow a field. A yoke is the framework that binds one thing to another; shoulder to shoulder. But we are humans, not animals you might say. True. But Jesus calls us sheep. Therefore we are to know and follow His voice and not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. John 10:14, 27; 2 Corinthians 6:14. The only thing we should be yoked with is Mercy and Truth. For it is written, Let not Mercy & Truth forsake thee. Bind them about thy neck; to find favor and good understanding in sight of God and man; for mercy & truth purges iniquity. Proverbs 3:3- 4, Proverbs 16:6.
So we must Take Jesus’ yoke, which is mercy and truth upon ourselves to stand against the schemes and (false) accusations of the brethren. Because the framework which we are yoked were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3. Chaos came to Order and darkness turned to light by faith that what would be spoken would happen. Genesis 1:1-3.
It is the same today, you shall have whatsoever you say based on what you believe. Remember though, only faith pleases God. Hebrews 11: 1,6, Romans 14:23, Matthew 9:28, Mark 11:23.

The words that roll off your tongue either give life or causes death because what you say is what you believe in your heart. Proverbs 18:21, Luke 6:45. Be careful that you do not boast of yourself. Proverbs 27:1; James 3:5. Jesus, God in the flesh, said, “I can of my ownself do nothing.” John 5:30. So let not a double-minded man think he will receive anything of the Lord. James 1:7-8.
If immortal Jesus could not do anything by his own self, what makes you, mortal man think you can? Perhaps the real question is, if you believe Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life, what other way is there? John 14:6.

Pride comes before a fall. Sure, you might temporarily gain the whole world (by getting your way), but it is guaranteed you will eternally lose your soul. You can only do all things through Christ which strengthens you and without Christ, you can do nothing. Philippians 4:13, John 15:5.

Transform into the image you were created. Love not the things of the world.

Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. Genesis 1:26, James 4:4,8 Matthew 22:37Philippians 2:5* (*Matthew 11:29)