God would not have you ignorant

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Recently, I was given revelation how the enemy attacks not only our computers, but also our spirits and hearts.

My computer was attacked by a malware, adware virus, XP Security Center 2011.  IT IS A HIJACKING HOAX Application

I had Microsoft Security essentials  installed, McAfee site advisor and scan plus installed, and the Windows Firewall installed and operational.  How then did I get XP Security Center?  It comes from the internet and the only thing I did was click on a YouTube link.

Here’s the revelation. The adware, malware virus appears on your computer and tells you your computer is infected with stealth intrusions, worms, Trojans, etc. and do you want it to block certain IP addresses or windows. It even replaces your browser home pages. And asks if you want to clean your infected computer. If you click OK , it wants you to purchase their product.

I immediately started the Super Antiware system scan. While the scan was detecting this rogue malware program, and because I did not  purchase their FAKE application , another window said your hard drive could not be detected and click OK.  If you click OK, all your desktop icons are erased.  When you click on Start, where you once had all your application icons and all program files; they too are erased.

And you are unable to click on previous executable (.exe) applications, like your other anti-virus. It hijacks your current virus programs.

Devices of the Enemy

When you see all your applications gone, and cannot execute applications that were supposed to protect you, how would you react?   Panic, Anger,  or start cussing perhaps.   Then negative thoughts arise from FEAR :  “All my files!.   I’m going to have to reinstall, re-do,  etc.


As a man Thinketh in his heart, so is he.  Proverbs 23:7

When it happened, I tried cleaning and restoring the computer, the best I could; without success.


The next day, I could not understand why I kept having negative thoughts  and uncharacteristic thoughtful opinions about matters from the past, I knew I had sent into the sea of forgetfulness.


My computer screen was now bare, my Start program files were bare.

I printed How to Remove XP Security 2011.

Within a peaceful environment (Pachelbel Canon D music playing) and patient in spirit, I began the task of restoring my computer.

One of the instructions for removing this demon was to click show hidden files and folders.  There,  were all my programs, applications and files. They had not been erased, according to the previous illusion designed to trick me into buying their false product.

I still had some restoring to do. But  I did not have to reinstall, re-do or repeat.  Repeat is also a spirit  associated with the spirit of confusion. God is not the author of confusion.

Know how the enemy operate.

God would not you ignorant of the devices of the enemy. 2 Corinthians 2:11